Who We Are

Each of the partners of KROY ABOGADOS, has specialized in the different areas of the law and their professional trajectory includes having worked in prestigious law firms both in Mexico and abroad. Likewise, the partners of Kroy abogados have specialized in the areas of law where they provide their professional services.

The services of KROY ABOGADOS contemplate preventive and reactive measures before any topic or legal contingency, always relying in teamwork of its different areas and our clients to reduce the impacts caused by said disputes, thus being a strategic ally of our clients.

KROY ABOGADOS is a Socially Responsible firm that contributes to the sustainable development of our society with collaboration programs and projects aimed to create value in social, environmental and corporate governance themes. Our fundamental principles are respect to the people who conform our community, observance of national and international laws in force, and contribution to the sustainable development of our country and the world.

In this regard, KROY ABOGADOS has adopted the tenth principles of the United Nations Global Pact, with the commitment to support and promote within its scope of influence a set of fundamental values in human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption.

KROY ABOGADOS is committed to focus its efforts towards the improvement of the quality of life of its human capital, families, clients, vendors and the community in general, promoting the educational, civil, financial and social progress through concrete measures established in its Social Responsibility policy. For KROY ABOGADOS the integrity, honesty, fair treatment and full compliance with all applicable laws have guided its professional practices. Living the corporate values achieves a continuous commitment of Full Quality and Social Responsibility in our services, as mandated by our code of conduct.

In KROY ABOGADOS trust and transparency are the highest values to uphold. Complying with the provisions of our Code of Ethics will always give us the satisfaction of having acted honestly in an environment of trust with our interest groups.

Ethic codes and internal policies